A week on from COP26

“Ahead of the conference, many environmental scholars and activists were sceptical about what the outcome would be — claiming that promises from the Paris Agreement were still yet to be met. This sentiment is mainly fuelled by the perpetrators of the climate crisis, such as the UK and the US, taking centre stage at the negotiating table.” Amos Research Intern Fleur Boya writes from Glasgow.

A week on from COP26

Journey to Civil Disobedience

“Last Monday I was arrested sitting on the north side of Lambeth Bridge, on the first day of the Extinction Rebellion climate protests in London. After the first week of the protest, I am one of around 1300 people arrested. The following is my account of what has led me to this point.” Amos trustee Richard Elliott shares his experience of being arrested as part of the Extinction Rebellion climate protests in London.

Journey to Civil Disobedience


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